Mostly, I've just felt a bit out of sorts with blogging.
I'm torn between the feeling that I'm helping you with your style and shopping dilemmas and the sense that I'm fuelling unnecessary purchases and making you all feel that you have to buy things you don't really need. I know I feel that way when I read other blogs and I hate that pressure. I can't help feeling that lots of the issues we have with our wardrobes are to do with having too much in them in the first place.
I don't know the answer except to say that during 2017, I'll definitely continue to shop less. My resolutions at the beginning of 2016 were very much around buying quality basic items and focussing on preloved as much as possible and I'm happy to report that I've done just that. I've sold off loads via eBay and Dejavu and my wardrobe is about a third smaller than it was in January. It's definitely more classic, less trend driven and in all honesty, a bit boring. But it's FAR easier to dress and I find I'm stressing less about unworn items....because there aren't many. Anything I feel I've not really been wearing, I drop it down to Ruth for her to sell on my behalf. I'm yet to regret letting go of a single item.
Do I want to continue blogging? I'm just not sure right now. I worry that my pared back, boring wardrobe is not exciting enough. I often crave privacy. I miss going for a walk and NOT taking 30 photos. I went shopping on Boxing day and didn't take a single picture and it was like a revelation!
But I also know that I'm so blessed to have this space and all the support and love I get from everyone who clicks through to read. I'm privileged to be regularly sent product to feature - every item comes with an internal conflict about coming across as too commercial but I'm realistic enough to know that the selected few brands I do feature, offer me the opportunity to add fresh content and it always motivates me to blog when I'm feeling less than inspired.
I think however that 2017 will see less content on blogs like this and more on instant social media channels. I'm LOVING Snapchat and over Christmas, it was really the only channel I kept a presence on. It's instant, real, honest and good fun. There's no backlog, no unread posts, no audit trail. No pressure! I'm also enjoying Insta stories and Instagram generally. Fewer words and a visual feast with all those fabulous filters...a blessing for those of us without photographer partners and fancy cameras!
For now, I'll keep my little piece of the internet and see how things go. I'd love to hear your views - do you read blog less? What social media channels are your favourites? Do I need a kick up the arse?!!
Oh and after all that.....I've been asked by lots of you to share my January sales purchases. I made a list before looking at any of the sales and bought carefully so given it fits well with my basic/capsule objectives for this coming year, I'll take some photos and share in the next few days. But don't feel any pressure to buy also!!!!
Back soon my friends,
Do I want to continue blogging? I'm just not sure right now. I worry that my pared back, boring wardrobe is not exciting enough. I often crave privacy. I miss going for a walk and NOT taking 30 photos. I went shopping on Boxing day and didn't take a single picture and it was like a revelation!
But I also know that I'm so blessed to have this space and all the support and love I get from everyone who clicks through to read. I'm privileged to be regularly sent product to feature - every item comes with an internal conflict about coming across as too commercial but I'm realistic enough to know that the selected few brands I do feature, offer me the opportunity to add fresh content and it always motivates me to blog when I'm feeling less than inspired.
I think however that 2017 will see less content on blogs like this and more on instant social media channels. I'm LOVING Snapchat and over Christmas, it was really the only channel I kept a presence on. It's instant, real, honest and good fun. There's no backlog, no unread posts, no audit trail. No pressure! I'm also enjoying Insta stories and Instagram generally. Fewer words and a visual feast with all those fabulous filters...a blessing for those of us without photographer partners and fancy cameras!
For now, I'll keep my little piece of the internet and see how things go. I'd love to hear your views - do you read blog less? What social media channels are your favourites? Do I need a kick up the arse?!!
Oh and after all that.....I've been asked by lots of you to share my January sales purchases. I made a list before looking at any of the sales and bought carefully so given it fits well with my basic/capsule objectives for this coming year, I'll take some photos and share in the next few days. But don't feel any pressure to buy also!!!!
Back soon my friends,
Oh I love your blog! Truly my heart leaps when I see you've posted... I feel like you are totally in tune with what I love to wear and I love the honesty of your posts.
ReplyDeleteI use Instagram but nothing else & i'm over social media to be honest. I too am paring back my wardrobe and buying less. Much less.
Please keep blogging. I just love it.
Hi Avril, I've been reading your blog for a while but never commented before. I'd just like to say that I do enjoy your blog very much - I love seeing what you buy and wear as I think we have similar styles, so you are very relatable. I read some blogs that showcase more designer goods, but that's really just pure eye candy. It's nice to read someone who can look good on a more reasonable budget. Oh, and I also like when you talk about your running - I did a couple of running clinics last year, did a couple of 5ks and started going to the gym, but then I had some hip problems, physio, etc. I would like to start up again in the spring (whenever that may come, I'm in Canada), so I'm always happy to hear about your running.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
I understand this completely having said goodbye to my blog earlier this year. I love your blog, and always have, but I agree that it's about priorities and for me, life was for living, not taking photos. My husband was constantly complaining about all of the photos and any spare time I had was spent at a laptop or iPad and I feel liberated since I stopped. I still love Instagram and use that for my outfit posts.
ReplyDeleteAs for your style, it could never be described as boring!! I love the way you dress. You know what works for you and you stick with it. You're also not one of these bloggers who never wears the same outfit twice and always has something new - a much more realistic inspiration for us everyday folk.
I know that your blog would be missed, but you can always reach people in other ways as you said. Ultimately only you can decide.
Good luck, Avril.
Lynne xx
Hi Avril, as you know I've been reading your blog for a while, I love your parred back wardrobe and the fact that you keep it real and manage to look fantastic without breaking the bank. I have reduced the number of blogs I read some are unrealistic, my life hasn't got the need for party clothes or the budget for dresses that cost £250 or Gucci shoes and bags. If you decide to stop blogging I can still catch up with you in IG, which I love too because it's simple and quick to use. Good luck with your decision. Much love - Sue x
ReplyDeleteI agree with you and totally understand. I ceased blogging, for various reasons, but like to dabble with Instagram, occasionally. Sometimes I have asked myself the same questions and you are so right about feeling pressure. I have stopped checking out many blogs for this reason. I found myself getting sweaty thinking that I had to have a certain coat or type of shoe, totally mental! You would be missed because I think you keep it real, Avril, and I know that your' heart is in the right place. You are looking fabulous as well. Never boring. Good luck and have a fabulous New Year. H XxX
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog Avril but completely understand all your reasons on your pro/ cons list. At the end of the day do whatever makes you happy - you don't need to answer to anyone else on this. So glad the job is giving you a fresh challenge and glad you're enjoying time with the family x
ReplyDeleteI love your blog too! You were one of the first blogs I followed and I love that you don't have too much, that you often style a capsule wardrobe and it is not just advertising new things. My blog is not too fashion focused as I too would not be able to keep up with the amazing photos and constant turnover of new clothes but I'd like to think that I can offer something that is more real that others can relate to - which I think is what you are doing. Good luck with whatever you decide but I for one will still love following you Michelle (
ReplyDeleteAvril, I love reading your blog, and being from N Ireland it has a particular appeal to me, however, I would say that Im no where near the age of your average reader, Im a grandmother , and the wrong side of sixty but I still enjoy fashion and your blog has given me loads of idea's that Ive adapted to suit my particular life style and make it age appropriate. I do appreciate how demanding it must be, compared to IG and snap chat, and wanting it to appeal to your readers. Its a lot of pressure which I don't think you need at this moment, what with family demands, work and the thousand and one other little things that fill the day. For what its worth I think you are amazing , and whatever decision you make , I will still keep up with you on other " platforms" PS My resolution for 2017 is buy quality over quantity !!! Thanks for the inspiration Im also going to pay Deja Vu a visit soon
ReplyDeleteAvril I think you're quite unique in having similar wardrobe limitations to most real women, yet finding your own style within that and making it work hard for you. You always look super stylish, even moreso in real life - another unique quality! 😉 You know I'd be sad if you stopped, but follow your heart and do what's right for you xx
ReplyDeleteLove your blog. It's real and you wear clothes I can buy and afford. It's not frivolous. I love your style and quite often copy. Would hate to see you go. I do understand what you are saying. I am sure we don't feel pressured to buy things that you feature. You keep it minimal and affordable. Which so many blogs don't. I personally would be very sad to not have your blog pop up. I love your pictures and your style. Happy New year lovely lady. Best wishes for 2017 xxx
ReplyDeleteI love your blog too and I was thinking about you yesterday when I wore my silver shoes.
ReplyDeleteKeep your blog open and just post when you want to. Might be once a year. Might be 3 times in one week!!! Just do it your way but remove the pressure. X
I love your blog! Also love the focus on a functional wardrobe and wearability. I know what you mean about feeling pressure to buy but I still love reading your blog. If you wanted to take a different slant, I love reading blogs about capsule wardrobes and 30x30 challenge (30 items remixed over 30 days), downsizing, mimimalism etc (as well as style blogs where they have new gear every day lol!). Thank you for what you do and happy new year to you and your family!
ReplyDeleteHi Avril, you were the first blog I started to follow and I have loved reading your posts; as much as reading about great things to do and see in Northern Ireland as for the fashion tips.....I will get over there from London some time I hope! As a clothes shopping phobic your advice has helped me out many times for practical and useful clothing items. You write beautifully and hopefully you can find a balance that works for you. I haven't gone into Snapchat but I do like your Instagram stories. All the best to you for 2017!
ReplyDeleteOmg how absolutely refreshing!! Good for you. I have decided to stop following loads of fashion blogs as the amount the bloggers spend is incredible - and simply not realistic for me. You are quite right - you do feel under pressure to get the latest whatever. I love the sound of your new blogging idea it will be like a breathe of fresh air ! On another point your blog is so enjoyable as you don't moan about your kids all the time or boast about your need to drink!! Happy new year
ReplyDeletePlease don't stop blogging - I love hearing about what you are doing and wearing. I'm sad so many bloggers I follow have given up or moved to Instagram and hope you still can find time to post here.
ReplyDeleteWhile I can completely understand your dilemma, I personally would really miss your blog if you stopped as it gives me ideas and inspiration. I'm not a big fan of social media, so don't have Instagram or Snapchat accounts. I don't feel pressured to buy stuff I don't need, but your posts tend to give me a bit of motivation to shop for myself as typically I am at the bottom of the list for family purchases. I love the fact that you focus on affordable high street brands, with quality pieces which will last. I may well be going back to work soon after a career break with my kids, so I am interested in your back-to-work wardrobe, but I hope you won't forget us "school gaters" in the meantime.
ReplyDeleteOh Avril, please please please don't go! Your blog is the only one with which I can identify. I think you are suffering from January blues! I must say, you look so fabulous in your recent pics, you clearly did not overindulge like the rest of us over the festive period...what is your secret?! 😘