
Well hello there strangers...

It's been an age - I know! Sorry for keeping you waiting so long but I had a few family bits and pieces to get organised and a ton of new stock to add to the shop so it's going to take me a few days to sit down and try to put the trip to New York into words. For now, I'm going to share a few video snippets on this post so you get a sense of how amazing it was. I feel so fortunate to have been able to experience it and I have to thank all of you who helped me with my fundraising and made it a reality! We shared our joy with so many people in the US - delegates at the New York/New Belfast conference, tons of New Yorkers in Time Square

and Central Park,

church-loads of people in Harlem, Brooklyn and New Brunswick

AND not satisfied with that, we entertained Aer Lingus passengers & cabin crew in our plane at 35,000 feet! I'm now part of the Mile High Choir Club - that's another bucket list item sorted!

I'll share what I wore on another post but suffice to say, it involved LOTS of black. The capsule worked a treat ...there was only one item I didn't wear and as my case only weighed 14kg going out, I had 9kg to shop with! Shopping opportunities were limited but I got a few lovely items - including one to give away here on the blog. Stay tuned for another post very soon but for now - I'm off to bake my own birthday cake...3 days late! :)


  1. oh me oh my I have loved following your antics over the past week!
    All the video footage is amazing .. what a truly talented bunch you are.

    Such wonderful memories for you


  2. Ingrid McCarroll16:33

    Welcome back! More NY tales please... any celebs?!

  3. Louise16:45

    Fabulous Avril, absolutely FABULOUS! Xx

  4. I have loved following all your' shenanigans, superb Videos and your' meet up with blogging friends.
    F A B U L O U S . You should not have to bake your' own cake!! Happy Birthday again. H xx

  5. Anita17:39

    Absolutely fabulous Avril - gave me goosebumps xx

  6. Lesley18:02

    So uplifting watching those videos - thank you! :)

  7. Oh wow. Avril, it looks like you've had an incredible trip. I bet your experiences have been unforgettable and you'll look back at this with fond memories.

  8. Sarah @Fortytherapy19:17

    Fantastic videos, thanks for sharing them! I've just booked my trip to New York for next April, so excited!

  9. Happy belated birthday - enjoy your self-baked cake. Good to see you had a great trip!

  10. Louise21:27

    Love, love, love this! So uplifting! :)

  11. fashmr paul22:49

    The choir are really wonderful and these are great clips. You all look so happy and enthusiastic making music - so good to see
    Happy belated birthday !

  12. Wow, I am blown away by your choir, I am in work shortly, and quickly replied to a few of my favourite blogs, and I have to say this has given me such a 'zing' feeling to start my day. What a talented bunch you are.......If your gospel choir is ever in the UK, I would love to hear you all! Looks an amazing trip, with incredible memories made I am sure! xx

  13. Looks fab - I loved catching up with all the New York action on Facebook:) Can't wait to see your shopping!

  14. Melanie12:25

    Wow Avril! Those vids are wonderful, and very moving (sniff). I love NYC, look forward to more pics x

  15. Abbi16:15

    Welcome back! Loved keeping up to date with your trip, it looked so amazing, hope you have a lovely belated birthday celebration with the family!
    Abbi x

  16. Lynne08:47

    Wow. Just loved the videos Avril. The choir sounded amazing. Thank you for sharing . Happy belated birthday !

  17. Lynne11:17

    Have loved following your trip can't wa to hear everything :-)

  18. Love the fact that you sang on the plane!!! I'm amazed they let you all stand in the aisle! You must have sweet talked the cabin crew xx

  19. Oh we sweet-talked one in particular...and he fell in love with one of the sopranos so we had no problems. Captain said it was the highlight of his 40 year flying career! xx

  20. Cous Cous and Cork Wedges13:43

    Amazing! Something Inside So Strong is one of my favourites & its such a powerful song! You all did it proud! Would love to see you live one day! What an amazing trip & wonderful memories created! Ax


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