
Cutting My Hair Off!

All my childhood, my hair was proper short - to the extent that I'd sometimes accompany my father to the barbers for a short back and sides! In my 20's, I tentatively tried out some longer styles but I have never had it as long as it was most recently - the two pregnancies definitely thinned out my hair enough to allow it to be manageable in a longer length.

But the truth is I've been bored with it over the past 6 months. Long hair is hard work & high maintenance. It gets into your food, sticks to your lip gloss and catches on zippers and buttons and I don't see the point in having long hair if you just always tie it up. Over recent months, I've met several women with amazing shorter hair - edgy, choppy and on-trend and my long heavy hair seemed very frumpy and a bit mutton all of a sudden.

So it was time for the chop! But not just a few inches here and there - a whole 10 of them!
Here's the before - last chance to back out...!!!

Here's the going back now
and here's what came off - two lengths of hair that are currently winging their way to the Little Princess Trust - a charity that supplies wigs to children with alopecia and those undergoing cancer treatment. I found out about this charity recently thanks to a friend who shared a picture on Facebook and it had been in the back of my mind as I contemplated a new style.
However some of the hairdressers I approached about this seemed to not know that coloured, bleached and even grey hair can be donated. Other hairdressers wanted me to come in advance of my appointment to see if my hair was suitable. But the fact is, you can send it to the Little Princess Trust as long as it's clean, product free (conditioner is ok), tied at both ends with elastic and is at least 7 inches long. And it can be coloured, bleached or grey...just not chemically straightened. And you can post it yourself in a clear plastic freezer bag, inside a padded envelope - you don't even need your hairdresser to do it for you! So don't be put off by mis-information. Full details of the criteria is available on the LPT website.

And here's my new hair...cut with great skill by Jonathon McKelvey in Uber Hair on the Lisburn Road, Belfast. I also had my colour done - hence it's a bit darker - my hair lightens hugely between colours...always to an auburn colour like you see in the ponytails.
Kimono - New Look (out of stock online - this is similar and lovely too as I tried it on!)
Black Vest - Zara
Jeans - Gap Outlet
Sandals - TK Maxx (but available here)
Necklace - SGS Shop

36 hours on, how do I feel? Well I've no regrets - luckily! Instead, I feel like my hair is back to its roots (scuse the pun) and I absolutely love it. It feels like a fresh new start. Perhaps my wardrobe will have to completely change to fit with my new hair!??!

Ok - that's maybe pushing it...

A HUGE thank you to everyone for your lovely comments yesterday all over social media - it was amazing to have such support and to those generous lovely people who suggested I set up a Just Giving page - thank you for the prompt as I never thought about doing that and of course I should have! So if you have a few pounds to spare and want to support the Little Princess Trust financially (as the wigs cost a LOT to make), you can do so on this link.



  1. Hi Avril!! Wow, your new hairstyle is really fabulous and the colour and style suit you so perfectly, well done you brave lady!! Of course the Little Princess Trust also benefit, so a double whammy!! Love your outfit, such a lovely kimono!! PS- Loving the Airmaxs too, such a gorgeous colour!! xx

  2. I think you look fabulous and as I predicted yesterday morning, you look so much younger. I'm almost tempted myself!!!

  3. Fan-tabulous Avril. And I bet you suit the darker colours in your wardrobe even more with your new darker hair x

  4. That is quite a change but it looks wonderful, short hair really suits you! Summer is the perfect time to chop it all off, I just can't be bothered with maintaining a shorter style so stick with boring long locks.

    Really love this Avril & what a great idea donating it. More salons need this information!

  5. I love your new hair do and wish I had the guts to do something like that. The last time was seven years ago when I got it chopped into a pob after I had Ben. I loved it but the maintenance I didn't love so much so I've tended to stick with longer hair.

    I think it was a fab move! I still can't get over it but I seriously love it!

  6. I always thought you looked great before your new do. But you now look truly amazing, well done you.
    Sue xx

  7. Love your new haircut Avril it looks absolutely stunning & what an amazing thing to do with your old hair.
    Jane xx

  8. Your new 'do' looks amazing Avril! It's so good to have a huge change every now and again! Love what you've done with what you had loped off! Fantastic idea xx

  9. It does look lovely Avril and as I said somewhere else, I didn't realise it was quite that long and was amazed when I saw those ponytails! Mine grows at a rate of knots, I had two inches off four weeks ago and will get another inch off on Wednesday. I've been contemplating something different but didn't want to take the plunge before the wedding! I try to stay shoulder length as agree it can look mutton xx

  10. WOW you look amazing Avril it suits you so much. I've just been and finally had all mine cut off to but I wasn't as brave as you so I did it in 2 stages. I didn't know you could donate hair, I wish I had as I would of gladly done so xx

  11. Pippa13:47

    Amazing! You look fab! I think we might be hair twins I also had short back and sides until aged 14 then discovered I have thick curly hair which had been below shoulder length but then last Friday I am proud owner of short, graduated bob! Feel like I have a new lease of life - and love feeling breeze on the back of my neck - enjoy!

  12. OMG - you're my curly twin! Enjoy your shorter hair - I'm loving it today with the heat...ran my fingers through it and it was good to go. Love it x

  13. It's gorgeous Avril, such a good change although I loved your hair long. Liking the ideas if a new wardrobe- any excuse eh?! X

  14. Louise17:46

    Fabulous! Makes you look younger (not that you looked old before!)

  15. It's a fabulous cut and colour, suits you so well and makes me tempted to go short again. I love a drastic change from time to time - its as good as an entire new wardrobe! Well, nearly ;-)

  16. You look amazing! I love the shorter look.

  17. Sally20:46

    Beautiful. And the outfit looks amazing. There's those jeans again that I LOVE!!

  18. It looks fabulous. I recently took a bit off my starting to get too long hair but now I am wondering if I should go shorter again.

  19. ClaireH21:53

    Avril, you know I'm partial to a bob.....looks fab and a great charity too

  20. You look stunning hun! I love, love, love the cut. And what a great charity to give your hair to. Your entire wardrobe will take on a new style now I am sure.

    Fabulous kimono.

    X x

  21. Dorset Fashionista11:24

    I absolutely love it Avril, looks so fab! I liked it long as well, you are lucky that you can do both!
    Abbi x

  22. I must admit I was sceptical as I love long hair. I wish mine was thick and lush like your' before shots. I must say that I think the new cut is brilliant and suits you so much. It has, literally, lightened your' whole appearance ( not that you were gloomy or anything ) but you really look so sparkly. Well done you. H xx

  23. I think you look absolutely amazing. I tie mine up ALL THE TIME so I'm wondering if I shouldn't just get a buzz cut instead?

  24. 40 not out15:59

    Wow Avril, I gasped out loud at the second photo. It looks fabulous though and makes you look both younger and thinner (the holy grail). Waiting to hear how you get on, often tempted but fear the maintenance.

  25. Rachel20:05

    Avril, you look absolutely fantastic!!!! Very brave but for an excellent cause x

  26. Jenny G23:49

    Wow that's the way to do it Avril -looks amazing! What a great idea of donating your hair to such a good cause. I'm trying to grow mine (typical) but it will only be a matter of time before I get it all chopped again! xx

  27. Wow loving your new hairstyle. I am totally getting fed up with long hair too. I need a hair re style or colour, something that screams summer is here, haha :)

  28. I LOVE your hair! I didn't know you can donate grey, colored hair because that's my hair type!


  29. Carol10:22

    Hi Avril I am not sure I have commented before (but I have bought one of your scarves!) Just wanted to comment on your hair - it is FANTASTIC! You look so chic! I think the donation idea is brilliant too. Well done for being brave enough to do it - so many women aren't - and yet usually it looks amazing when they do.

  30. You look amazing Avril & donating it is such a lovely thing to do! I'm going to go for it later this month too! Like you I've been hating on mine for a while & I think its time for a serious change! Ax


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