
New season, new beginnings, new wardrobe...WORKWEAR!!

I'm writing this in a silent house as finally, all 3 kids are back at school! I've loved the 9 weeks we spent together this summer but even the weather shifted gear this morning and we're all ready to move into a new month and a new season.

I've been taking a spin around a few shops recently as you'll see from my blog posts in the last couple of weeks so on this post, I thought I'd share what I've got on my AW16 shopping list but linked to that, I also wanted to share my new beginning for those of you who aren't on Facebook.

As of Monday, I'm back officially in the working world again after a break of 8 years. I've been working in a self employed way for a few years but I've really struggled with drawing a line between work and home and all just got so blurry and I felt like I was dipping into all three continuously and not doing any of them as well as I want to. It appears I don't have that multi-tasking gene that most women have - I prefer to focus on one thing at a time.

So on Monday, I start with a local home fragrance company
called Bog Standard in a digital marketing role with part-time hours. It's a match made in heaven with Alix the owner happy for me to work (in a proper office!) 3 days a week from 9am-2.30pm. From meeting with her and hearing the plans for future growth and new product lines, I suspect there's the opportunity to increase my working hours but as the twins get older, I have that capacity so I am happy to take it as it comes.

I'm going to be cheeky and ask that you please pop over to the Bog Standard Facebook page on this link and to their Instagram account on this link and make my job a bit easier by showing them some social media love! That'll ensure you hear about competitions, new product launches and special offers....and it'll make me look good in my first week to have some new followers! But also, keep an eye on here as I plan to do a giveaway on the blog very soon too.

Obviously, this changes my wardrobe requirements for AW and I'm really looking forward to that - though I have to be careful not to use this as an excuse to shop all over the show before I've even earned a penny! The job doesn't require formal office wear day to day but if I'm visiting customers or doing press events, I'll have to smarten up so to this end, I've got a few key pieces in mind that as well as ticking the workwear boxes, will also jazz up my existing wardrobe for a slightly smarter School Gate look...

Most of my picks here are Next, M&S, Warehouse and Boden...all stores that are fairly accessible to most of us. I know there's lots of great finds elsewhere and I may not end up buying these actual items but in terms of what's inspiring me, these are the sites that have delivered in recent days. So here goes:

1. Wide leg or bootcut trousers - either black or grey (or both!)
these next ones are navy in the photo but they come in black..
2. Skinny fit trousers - grey - I've seen these first ones in the flesh and was very impressed with the quality and the fabric. But they look awful on the model and too short! However, it does say she's 5'10" in the description so I'm hopeful they'll be grand on me...
These next ones are more hard to get nice slim fit grey trousers but I think with a smart shirt and over sized knit, I might get away with them...
3. Heeled loafers - giving into the trend for the second time round! Starting with the ones I spotted in M&S a few weeks back..
and these ones from Next properly tap into the Gucci vibe with the brighter gold colour way:
Next from Boden, my favourite mix of navy and black but I'm concerned they may be too high for me...
4. Some neutral blouses that can be worn tucked into trousers or loose over jeans

5. Light sweaters that aren't loose fitting - for wearing with wide trousers or jeans and that  can be layered over the blouses.
And I think that should be me covered. I already have plenty of short skirts that I love wearing with opaque tights and looser tops for days when I don't want to wear trousers.

So what do you think of this capsule for the part time working mum? I think it's got sufficient mix and match-ability and a few nods to current trends, all without blowing the budget but equally without buying cheap stuff that won't last. Let's see how it works in practice. I've a few of these items ordered and a couple that I'm going to review as part of a collaboration so over the coming weeks I'll let you know how I get on. Then I'll gradually add to it over the winter as I'm paid and I'll let you know how it works for me.

Finishing with a couple of outfits from this week starting with the last trip to the park before the kids went back to school.
Shirt - hush (SS16 sale)
Jeans - F&F at Tesco (I know I said I got rid of all my ripped jeans...but I kept these, just to torment my mother in law!)
Sandals - Lidl (SS16)
White Vest - Gap Outlet
Leopard Handbag - preloved from DejaVu
Necklace - River Island (SS16)
Sunnies - Urban Outfitters (now in the sale!)
Watch - Michael Kors (similar on link)

and today for the first day of term...

Top - Warehouse (AW14)
Initial/Birth Gem Necklace - Anna Lou of London
Scarf - New Look (old)
Jeans - Spoilt Belle Boutique (SS16)
Bag - Yoshi 
Slip on Trainers - Stradivarius

Hope you all survived back to school week! I'll be back soon with a competition to take your mind off it all!



  1. Now following Bog Standard on Insta! How have I not heard of Stradivarius before?? Love those trainers!

  2. Following the FB page. Good luck Avril (not that you'll need it!)

  3. Wishing you a fabulous first week Avril! Will go and give them a follow X


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