
A Fab H&M Top...for a specific problem

We're all loving the sunshine in Ireland at the moment  - apologies if you're reading from somewhere less warm right now but equally do let us bask in this briefest of can be sure we'll be whinging about the rain in a month or so.

I have a specific problem with good weather though....and it's one I'm sure (I hope) I'm not alone in - problem skin on the lower décolletage and back. It's something I've lived with for years. I still gaze enviously at friends who pull off their tops and bare their backs in summer-time. Who wear stunning backless dresses and v-necked tops. Even those who can throw on a strappy vest - just like that! It's not that my skin is troublesome all the time but it's not reliable enough that I could ever buy something like that and trust I'll be ok on the day I want to wear it.

But of course, it's not that big an issue for me 90% of the time because living in this part of the world, there's a fair chance I'll not have to bare my skin anyway thanks to the weather. However, on occasion, my skin flares up at the same time that the weather warms up and I find myself longing to wear something lovely and summery.

I'm guessing this time round it's not just hormonal - I have had two skin break-outs in recent months (on my décolletage only) after using Cocoa Brown mousse tan. I find CB amazing on my legs and use it weekly but the two times I've put it on my arms and swept it up over my shoulders and chest, have resulted in break-outs.

So over the past week, vests, v-necks, scoop necks and straps were all out - really frustrating! On a quick trip into town on Monday, I popped into H&M to see if they would have anything summery, that would cover where I needed covered, without breaking the bank, and I came across this off-the-shoulder top:

Off the Shoulder Top - H&M - £9.99
It's like an extra-wide boat-neck more than off the shoulder and made from a lovely soft but substantial jersey...a material that will hold its shape nicely but isn't clingy. I also liked the length of them - not cropped but not too long-line. I didn't have time to try on so I chanced my arm with a black and a striped one in a size M.

You always know you're onto a good one when you wear it straight away and LOVE it...
Shorts - TU at Sainsburys (old)
Sandals - Birkenstock Arizona in Basalt
Top - H&M as before
Necklace - Pandora (birthday gift!)

The verdict on the top? LOVE! They show off the shoulders nicely but they're high necked enough to cover where I need to cover. They've a small sleeve, which is great if you're conscious of your upper arm and they are a perfect fit around the waist and hips. I can't wait to wear them with looser trousers and shorts.

So fingers crossed the skin will clear up soon and won't spread any further upwards or I'll be investing in a few sleeveless roll-necks next! The irony of it all is that the sun really helps to clear it up so it's a bit of a catch 22. But meantime, do share any strategies you have if you suffer also.

Hope you've had a good weekend,



  1. Hi there, have just ordered this top in all three colours. I love when a top just tops the shoulders, not so keen on the elasticated, off the shoulder look. thanks for the post. :)

  2. Have same prob with Cocoa brown it's strange. I heard the waxperts salicylic pads are great for this problem,although never used them.might be worth a try

  3. Lovely top :) looks like you've been so lucky with your weather. We're just getting the sunshine now! Jane X

  4. Your top is cute. The weather is so shine!! Lucky you..

  5. Love the top, I too prefer when they aren't a full on off the shoulder number. I always loved Cocoa Brown but recently its being doing some odd things to my skin. I've given Su-do a go and have been really impressed - recommendation by a make up artist friend of mine.


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