
My Adidas Superstars

I'm a convert - long after the initial blogger rush. But that's how I roll. I like to wait and watch these trends as they don't always suit everyone and don't always last. Plus there wasn't really a cheaper alternative - it's the genuine article or nothing.
The trip to Boston was the catalyst in the end as I was reading about how comfy Adidas Superstars are and how people had bought them and worn them on the first day to walk miles. This was a bonus as I wanted something I knew I could walk around the city in - but something that wasn't a running trainer...something a little bit edgier that would work nicely with the black capsule I was bringing with me.

In the end, I bought them from ASOS as they had my size and could deliver next working day and in fairness to ASOS, they came on the day promised - even though the next day isn't guaranteed in NI.

Initial impressions were good - I was a little unsure of the toe detail but the comfort was not in question. Size wise, I went for the 6 which equates to a 39 and one third (??) and they fitted perfectly with a trainer sock.

Did they meet the Boston brief? Defintely! They were worn on the journey to Boston (cue airport bathroom selfie)
and all day the second day as we walked around the city. No breaking in needed...they were amazingly comfortable.
And now I'm home, they're getting well worn too....with pretty much the same combination so no need for more photos!

In terms of how to wear...hands up, they're not for the trainer faint hearted but they completely 'edge' up an outfit if you're trying to keep your look youthful without trying too hard. For me, they work best with a slightly distressed jean and a structured coat or jacket. I have seen other women wear them with black jeans but I'm not a fan myself as I find the white with black to be too much of a contrast. I've also worn mine with culottes (see last blog post) and it's a good look to try too....though I wasn't overly comfortable in it...maybe one to get used to.

But here are a few inspirational shots from Pinterest to help you if you've been dithering about buying...



  1. Well I don't have the Superstars but I do live in my Stans and I have had no problems with them from day dot. I did 3/4 days on a city break earlier this year and they served me well and I like that they seem to work with any outfit no matter what I seem to put them up against.

    The culottes look might take a bit of getting used to but personally I love it.

  2. I didn't realise they went with so many outfits, NEED.

    Olivia // BLONDE LA MODE

  3. There was an incredibly annoying large pop up ad for flights taking up half the screen when I clicked to read your blog post. Took me a while to figure out I had to click on it to delete it. Very off putting although I am aware this might not be your responsibility!

    Apart from that, trainers and images were fab, very inspiring for new daytime outfits.

  4. I went for the Nike Honey Los as they're very neat and cut quite feminine (similar to my Adidas Gazelles last year).Having skinny ankles, some trainers look like barges on me. Thing is, where I live, I often wonder if some women actually 'get' the trend. I also favour a structured top such as a blazer but often feel I'm getting funny looks. 20 miles down the road (Manchester) and everyone wears them. You may have sat back and waited but you chose to perfection Avril - although I really like the contrast with black jeans too x

    1. That's also my problem about living in small town Northern Ireland Donna- the funny looks I get when I try to deviate from my normal classic style by wearing trainers with an otherwise classic outfit!

  5. They look great on you Avril... must admit I wear my Stan Smiths embarrassingly often! I find them a bit heavy but they definitely give my feet great support and love the toe space! x

  6. Love them with the ripped boyfriend jeans. I've seen the high top version on ASOS and I am very tempted!! Especially good to hear they are comfortable. Jane xx

  7. Now that I see them look so fab on you Avril im thinking I need these in my life! I'm only a relatively recent convert to trainers for style as opposed to trainers for exercise so it's baby steps for me (white converse, grey Gazelles). My seriously out of style husband just laughs at me when I wear trainers to "edge up" an outfit and says I look special needs! Then I tell him that it will be a cold day in hell before I take style advice from a man who wears head to toe Gant for casual wear!

  8. How waterproof are they Avril? My knees are knackered from walking / pushing buggies on pavements so am def tempted by a more stylish trainer...

    1. Hi Anna - I've not really worn them on super wet days but given they're not fabric anywhere on the outside, they're going to be more water resistant than normal trainers I think. Hope that helps!? x

  9. Glad to see you have been well and truly converted to a trainer girl Avril! The Superstars look ace on you! xx

  10. I want a pair now!! I have my original Stan Smiths and I truly love them. My Husband hates them but I love them. xx


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