
The Hush Military Jacket

This gets a whole post of its own as it's just such a brilliant buy. It was a long time arriving because of a sell-out of the first drop but it was really worth the wait. It's now back in stock on the Hush site and selling fast - the 10 and 12 has already sold out again! I'm awaiting info from the company as to when these sizes might come in again and will update this post when I know.
Based on the comments from readers who ordered it first time round, it seems like it's going to be a real spring staple. It goes with everything and isn't too dressy so it ticks two large boxes for me. The fact that it's so casual means I can add smarter boots or shoes and it keeps things feminine but not OTT dressy for the school run. Which is how I worked it today. It was nice to get a smarter top, necklace and heels on after too many days of stripes and trainers.

Military Jacket - ℅ Hush
Skinny Jeans (turned up) - Lidl ...yes, you read that right..instore for £7!
Black Ankle Boots - Clarks (old but similar here & here)
Cream Top - Primark (survived the curry incident but now has chocolate on it...)
Pastel Necklace - SGS Shop (new stock coming soon)
Cross Body Bag - Gap

Size-wise, I got a 12 and it's true to size. A little bigger on top with me but perfect on the hips when zipped. As with most of my Hush stuff, the 10 would probably have fit but neatly. I'm a 10 on top and 12 on the bottom...veering ever closer to a proper 12 all over. It's got some stretch and the sleeves have adjustable poppers on them for a loose or tight fit. Personally, I think they're best turned up or pushed up.

Now I'm on the hunt for a few great scarves with khaki green in them...will report back when I find them. In the meantime, I won't apologise for wearing this endlessly.



  1. The jacket is perfect on you and can't believe those jeans are Lidl! I tried on approx 150 things in H&M and Next after you left today - and came home with nothing! x

    1. Aw...shame you didn't get anything but maybe for the best?! So lovely to see you for a catch up...and to share my WP woes :) See you soon x

  2. WOW to the jeans! I have a similar jacket but not in this colour - yours is perfect.

    1. They are really fab - super high waisted so they're really comfy #oldagesettingin and yes..I'm so glad to finally join the khaki jacket club :) x

  3. Looks super, great buy and well done for waiting so long. I've never had a jacket this colour, it looks really useful. I have an ancient Next one that is in the same casual style but has a feint combat pattern which I wear when I remember I have it!

    Also, it might be my ancient laptop at home but the font on your site is really hard to read. It's all broken up... Probably just me although the bloglovin, blogger and also this text is as normal...

    1. Hey Lou - was worth the wait! Thanks for the feedback on the font - I've been trying to change it for a while now. Hopefully will get it sorted over the weekend x

  4. It was well worth the wait Avril, the jacket looks gorgeous on you. I bet you're going to live in this beauty.
    Jane xx
    My Midlife Fashion

    1. Thank you Jane - loving your hush stuff too...makes me want to shop more! x

  5. Jacket perfection you will find this beauty so versatile! I have an ancient Zara jacket which is in the same sort of style and colour, though it's a very subtle camouflage and it has been brilliant wardrobe staple every Spring/Summer for the past few years! xx

    1. Oh I love your one Michelle - I was sneaking a look at your outfits with it to get some inspiration! Thanks, Ax

  6. Not surprised this jacket keeps selling out, it's such a versatile item and everyone looks good in khaki! Love how you've styled it x

    1. Thank you lovely - hope you're keeping well and getting lots of rest xx

  7. It looks fabulous. Perfect for this weather too. I love casual jackets like this that can be smartened up. Perfect! Love your necklace too by the way. Lynne xx

    1. Thanks Lynne - it's going to be so useful. And thanks re the necklace - so disappointed I can't get more for the shop as it would have been amazing for spring summer x

  8. It's perfect Avril! I have a khaki NL one which I have worn so much & love it! x


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