
#littleloves - Gym, Gardening, Mother's Day...

It's been a few weeks but I'm back with my #littleloves again today and linking up with the lovely Morgana. This week I've....


It's coming up to book club time again and this month's book is The Undertaking by Audrey Magee, which I read in two sittings. It's set in 1940's German and the story starts with the marriage of a German soldier, Peter Faber, to Katharina Spinell, the daughter of a Nazi party activist. It's a marriage of convenience - granting Peter a long awaited break from the front line in the form of honeymoon leave and Katharina the promise of a soldier's pension in the event of his death. But this enabled marriage also reflects Nazi eugenic policy: a man and a woman who should breed are enabled to do so. However, the common thread running through the book is how the poor and the innocent are hardest hit with war - on both sides...and nothing's changed there 70 years on...


I'm not alone in the House of Cards Season 3 watching - we finished it this week at last. I didn't enjoy it as much as season 1 or 2  as it was much more political but Claire's style was perfection as always...glad she want back to blonde at the end :)
What's been lovely about the past couple of weeks is that we've been able to sit and enjoy our new home at long last..while watching HOC. There's still tons to do but we have a beautiful living space now that all the really hard work is finished indoors. We moved outdoors with the work instead and my arms are aching from sweeping, weeding and pulling up endless ivy this week. You'd think it would mean I'd never need to set foot inside a gym.....


.....except I *did* set foot inside a gym this week. My physio recommended that I start a strength programme to prevent further back issues, so I joined GymCo Belfast and have been hearing lots of 'go faster', 'push it' and 'keep going ladies', all while pumping chart hits play. As well as Pilates and Yoga classes, I'm trying 50-50 spin & core, legs/bums/tums and a conditioning class...all straight after the morning school run. I know it's so boring when gym bunnies say this but I've so much more energy, I'm sleeping better and most importantly, I feel stronger. Hubby is giving it 3 weeks before the novelty wears off -  watch this space...
'waiting for spin class to start' (was the best part of that hour of my life)


I've been baking again this week. This is my failsafe scone recipe - works a treat every time and they can be on the table within about 30 minutes.


Leopard for the Dara O'Briain concert on Saturday night...
and green for St Patrick's Day...
and finally....

I hope those of you who are mums had a good Mother's Day. I'll leave you with this photo I took on Friday morning in my local Tesco where the flower delivery had just come in on about 9 pallets...just beautiful and along with the sunshine this week, has me thinking about summer!

Have a great Friday,




  1. Scones in 30 minutes sounds amazing! I am very excited about the prospect of summer soon too! x

  2. Love the outfits lady. So stylish. Flowers look beautiful glad you had a great mother's day. I have been trying my best to eat healthier and do more exercise. For the most part I am doing ok but not losing much just staying the same which is better than getting bigger I guess. Good luck with yours. #littleloves

  3. All I see is my favourite flowers - pink lillies and hydrangeas!! Love them! Love both your coats,especially the grey one. Oh my god you are so good and motivated to be doing all those classes......I'm determined to be back in my summer clothes by June....will take some inspo from you,although I think it may be wishful thinking. Have a great week xxxx

  4. Life at the Little Wood12:29

    Oh wow, the flowers! Amazing! Total happy makers. I love your outfits this week Avril and am motivated and ashamed in equal measure by your gym going. I need to get this bum in gear when I'm better! Have a lovely weekend xxx

  5. Wow Avril those flowers looked so beautiful.....Yes thinking about summer big time too right now. I am always looking for a good scone recipe, cant wait to try it....mine usually turn out like rockcakes!! Helen xx

  6. How many classes are you doing at the gym??? I need to get motivated to do even one! But then I start thinking about scones instead... and it all goes to pot! Aren't those flowers beautiful. I am so ready for some colour after what feels like a long dreary winter! Have a lovely week!

  7. Ooh I love that photo of all the flowers! I'm a sucker for a nicely stocked shelf anyway, even if it's something boring like Tampax, but seeing all those flowers ready to go is really lovely!

  8. I love this round up! If you don't mind I'm going to steal for the future!

  9. I agree with Fiona, I love these round-ups! V jealous of your date with Dara, he's one of my favourite comedians. I'm a big fan of spinning, too - it might feel like torture at first, but it's so worth the effort in the end! xx

  10. My aim for this week thanks to you is start watching series one of House of Cards....had it for ages but never got around to it, so your recommendation has spurned me on!
    You look amazing in your leopard print should wear that more often, it's such a gorgeous shape! Those Tesco flowers look beautiful, so nice to see such a riot of colour, makes me feel so much more Spring like, we could just do with a the temps to notch up a few more degrees! xx

  11. Wowzaz those flowers look amazing! So much colour. That book sounds like a brilliant read, I'm going to try and get hold of that and add it to my ever-growing pile..! Hope you've had a lovely weekend xx

  12. Not one single gym around here has childcare facilities which is farcical and annoying and means I'm pretty limited to running after 7pm when the boys are both in bed and Husband is home from the office. Bad times. The only bloody benefit of full time school is that I'll be free to work out in daylight hours!
    Am going to buy some flowers tomorrow, start the week off with a flash of colour and some happy vibes!!

  13. I love the picture of the flowers at the end, gorgeous. I'm trying to get back in the gym after a couple of months break. It's always hard getting back into a routine once you've had a break. Actually I'm supposed to be going out for a run now but instead I'm catching up on blog commenting (such a slacker).
    Love your outfits! xx

  14. The book sounds really interesting and I love the outfits. Gorgeous flowers, beautiful photo.

  15. Really must check out your scone recipe Avril, I've never made them before and really want to give them a go so that post will be perfect.
    LOVE that photo at the end, is there anything more beautiful than fresh flowers? Hope you're having a good week xx


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