

I saw this linky over on Emma's blog and I thought I'd try it out this week as it's a great way to share with you some of the things that have been going on with me over the past few weeks...seeing as I'm not exactly setting the school gate on fire with my style. The linky is hosted by Morgana over at butwhymummywhy so if you'd like to get involved too... just click on the little loves logo at the bottom of the post.

ReadThis week I've been I flying through my book club book. It definitely ranks as one of the best we've read. 'After the Fall' by Charity Norman is about a family who emigrate from the UK to New Zealand.  The book opens with a small boy falling off a balcony and being airlifted to hospital. The chapters alternate between present and past, following the boy's progress in hospital and sharing the background to the move to NZ. It's an interesting insight into the impact a long distance move has on a family and how the secrets and demons don't get left behind. It's an addictive, fast read - some of our recent book club books have been rather challenging so this was most refreshing!

I enjoyed it so much, it prompted me to seek out another one of Charity Norman's books 'The Son In Law'. It's not as instantly gripping but I think it will be an interesting insight into a challenging family dynamic.

WatchedLiving at my mother in law's at the moment means I'm watching more TV than I normally would. We've got ourselves into a lovely routine some evenings of PJ's, G&T's and a 9pm drama so I've had to get up to speed with Silent Witness (harrowing at times/a bit hard to take seriously at other times), Last Tango in Halifax (not what I was expecting - really enjoying it!) and Broadchurch. Now I never watched the first series of Broadchurch as I have an 11 year old and I really struggle to watch anything that involves a child coming to harm. But I was told I could pick up on series 2 without having watched 1 and broadly, that is correct though I did read a synopsis of Series 1 online to clear up a few parts of the story that were confusing. Suffice to say, I'm hooked. David Tennant is really impressive and I love the dynamic between his character and Ellie.

HeardLittle May - an Australian band that Fearne Cotton played on Radio 1 last week. I was straight onto Spotify to listen to their debut EP and have enjoyed listening to it while blogging. I would say they're a bit like a female version of Mumford. Not quite as rocky but with similar strong guitar and harmonies. This is my current favourite song of theirs - Boardwalks

MadeLots of pies and casseroles Having lived with just a hob and microwave for the past month, it's been such a novelty to have the use of an oven at Granny's. Aunt Bessie's oven chips have made a welcome return too :)

WornIt's not been too exciting the past few weeks but I do think this has as much to do with the time of year as it does with the fact that I don't have all my clothes out of boxes, don't have a wardrobe and am living out of a suitcase! It was nice to finally locate this coral coat from Almost Famous (now in the sale!) - a fab coat to brighten up the grey and blue.


But what I've enjoyed most this week is what I've worn on my skin. Back in November I succumbed to the marketing and bought a premium, cosmetic-giant face cream and the best way I can describe it is that I've felt like my skin has been clogged up with chemicals since I started using it. The cost made me perservere until it was finished but going back to one of my favourite organic natural brands was just amazing this skin looks and feels 10 times better. If you're concerned about ageing, don't opt for the fast chemical laden results promised by the big corporations. In the long term, organic is the real secret to gorgeous skin. My new face cream is the Dr Organics Snail Gel Cream...don't be put off by the name - it uses the remarkable cosmetic benefits of Helix Aspersia Muller, a unique substance the snail produces to quickly regenerate its own shell and skin when damaged. It smells of lemongrass and is so lovely and nourishing.
Screen Shot 2015-01-27 at 11.39.55

For cleansing, I've just bought some Moa Balm - I'm a huge fan of balm cleansers used with a hot flannel. My skin never feels as clean with cream cleansers or face wash. Moa is lovely as it's full of healing yarrow - great for scars or nicks/cuts. It's between £7 and £10 for a 50ml tub online - which is about two thirds the size I would have bought of my usual favourite, Temple Spa In the Beginning. So not a huge saving but it's nice to mix it up a bit - I think your skin gets too used to the same products so it's good to change things around. Boots Botanics have a great balm cleanser too though I'm not a fan of the smell. Funny how the smell is so important when it comes to skincare.

and finally...

A little message for all the mums out there awaiting AQE/GL results in Northern Ireland tomorrow morning. I've already negotiated to meet the postman at the start of his run though honestly, I'm not concerned about how well he scores at all...I just want this part of the process to be over. I know whatever he gets, it will all work out the way it's supposed to and it will be for the best.




  1. Carmel Chambers09:42

    I loved that book After the Fall, and like you I read her other 2 books on the strength of it- Freeing Grace and the Son in Law- both great reads but After the Fall was my fave. Have you read any of Liane Moriarty's books- Little Lies, The Husband's Secret? They're absolutely brilliant. You should try to watch season 1 of Broadchurch, its amazing. I am watching series 2 but am not loving it so much.

    Fingers crossed for you and your son with the transfer test results tomorrow, I am not at that stage yet but am dreading it already, eldest son is P4 now so its all First Holy Communion at the moment!


  2. last Tango In Halifax is good isn't it? My inlaws told me about it and I wasn't sure, but I'm kind of hooked! Lovely to see new faces on the linky! Have a lovely weekend #liitlelove

  3. Hi there... another lovely local blog to add to my reading list! I must have a wee nosey to find out why you're living out of cardboard boxes. Whatever the reason - I can sympathise! I love your coat. It is nice to have a bit of colour during these dreary months isn't it? Good luck with the postman by the way and I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. A very different post from you, but just as enjoyable! And even better ... a new author recommendation whoop whoop!! Completely agree with you on the natural skin care (although I didn't like the Moa Balm at all strangely) - I think the difference is remarkable. Hope the postman delivered good news and that your back recovers really soon x

  5. Thanks for popping over to my blog. I loved After The Fall when I read it, and second the Liane Moriarty recommendations too!

  6. Lynne12:48

    Hope you starting to feel bit better Avril. Thank you for the book recommendations . I second the Liane Moriarty choices, her books are unputdownable! Good luck for your little boy tomorrow. It's almost worse for the parents. I love that little inspirational quote, and use it occasionally in cards I send to others. I enjoy all the programmes you mentioned, your resume of Silent Witness is spot on. Looking forward to JK Rowlings Casual Vacancy which starts next month.

  7. Hi! Your book sounds very interesting and would make a good change of style from my usual books. Your coat is such a lovely colour. I'm after a new face cream but don't think I could get past snail on the packaging! Hope your son gets the test results he wants xx #littlelloves

  8. Life at the Little Wood13:11

    Oh, thinking of you all for tomorrow! I'm sure he'll do brilliantly and, as you say Avril, it's another hurdle jumped . He'll thrive at this next stage regardless of points and scores! I really love your coral coat - have admired that one before! :) And am really interested to read about the Moa Cleanser. I'm using Emma Hardie at the moment and love it, but it's so pricey! Would love to find a more cost effective alternative! Aww, have loved seeing you on LittleLoves - miss your pretty face! Hope the house is coming together! Xxx

  9. Love your little message Avril, you can't beat an inspirational saying like that! This is a great little round-up of what's going in your world xx

  10. That book sounds really interesting. Love your coat, its a heat colour to take you through spring and summer too!! The cleanser sounds right up mu street, must look it up. Hope you have a lovely weekend ! So glad you commented on my post and I've now found your blog xxx

  11. Welcome to #LittleLoves Avril, we're a friendly bunch! I love Silent Witness, although the recent storylines have been a bit hit and miss i think and i wish they did more episodes each season! That coral coat is gorgeous, perfect shade with Spring on the way! Have a lovely weekend xxx #LittleLoves

  12. I love getting book recommendations, I've added this to my book club reading list. Any chance of a post on other books you've done in your BC please? ;)
    I adore the scent of the Botanics balm & have used it for over a year now but I really want to try the snail gel!! I'm veering towards more organic skincare too at the moment x

  13. I love the quote at the end, I have a habit at the moment of overthinking everything and it's really not helping. I need to relax more and let it be.
    Your book recommendation sounds just like the sort of thing I'd like so may get stocking up for the summer hold.

  14. So pleased that you've joined in Avril, sorry it's taken me so long to get around and comment, it's been a busy few days.
    I adore that coat, what a gorgeous colour.
    Thanks for the band tip, I'm heading straight over to Spotify so I can listen to the whole EP!
    Hope you're having a lovely week xx

  15. Lovely to see you doing Little Loves! I didn't join in last week, but normally do. I came across Last Tango by chance, my parents watch it and had mentioned it but I was envisgaing something else, but I am now addicted, so much so, I am tempted to buy the first few series! I also love Broadchurch too! Hubby not so much haha. xx

  16. What a beautiful coat, and thanks for the book recommendation x

  17. Will definitely check out that book, as my sis emigrated there about 9yrs ago, and it sounds like such a good read. Love the bright pop of colour coat too! Helen xx


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