
Out of my comfort zone...

There's a look I love on other women that I struggle with...a dress, bare legs & ankle boots. I don't know whether it's my proportions (long body/shorter legs) or my reluctance to bare my legs but whatever it is, it just always feels a bit too exposed/clumpy/unflattering.

But this week, I've been forcing myself out of my comfort zone and with the lovely weather, the dress/ankle boot combination seemed like a good one to try.
Dress - Great Plains
Denim Jacket - Vero Moda (via Surfdome)
Boots - Seven Boot Lane (SS14)
Pendant - School Gate Style Shop
I liked it - I didn't love just felt a bit yee-haw cowgirl...and I know that's probably the denim jacket but with other jackets, it wasn't really any better. BUT I wore it for the whole day and enjoyed an outfit that was an alternative to jeans. And...the bonus was when I put this picture on Instagram some chap called Mohammad asked me if I'd do some foot modelling for him as my feet (which you couldn't see in the picture anyway??) are beautiful. He asked me to PM him....the comment is still here on Instagram if you don't believe me!
Hope you're having a great weekend. I've just come home from the second and last recording session with the Gospel Choir for our Christmas CD. The venue was all decorated and we had mince pies in our coffee's only October 4th!!
photo 2-2
Before I go - I've got a sale in the shop at the moment - clearing out some end of lines to make way for more winter stock. Lots of lovely necklaces and scarves are really well reduced on this link - grab a bargain while you can. None of these lines will be repeated!



  1. You pull it off just fine! The green dress is particularly lovely. I can't do the dress + booties thing. I need to wait for tight season, or maybe just for the right dress...

  2. Hi Avril, I think you look great, and like you its a look I've admired on others but never tried myself, you have pulled it off.
    Sue x

  3. I think the outfit looks great Avril but I'm like you, I love to see it on others but I look ridiculous, lol! I am trying to come out of my comfort zone a bit though with my outfits atm :) x

  4. Life at the Little Wood20:48

    Well I think you look fab and you can totally pull it off - I have leg envy! :) Foot modelling? Oh my! ;) xx

  5. Sue Haigh07:53

    I think you pull it of just fine too, but I know what you mean about out of your comfort zone, it's a look that's way out of mine, big feet skinny ankles and very pale skin! I like opaque tight weather for this look. I love that dress, every time you wear it I have dress envy xx

  6. You've inspired me to give this look a go myself Avril! I love this look on you! xx

  7. Lol at the foot comment! Weird!!! I like this look on you. Love the dress with the denim jacket. I've not done the dress, bare legs and boots either - not quite brave enough! Lynne x

  8. Ok - you look super cute in a dress and boots. I have a similar fear - you may convince me to give it a whirl sometime too!

  9. Love this look on you Avril, you can totally pull it off!
    A x

  10. Yes yes yes - this totally works! I am the same as you in that I've seen it done, admired it on others and yet when I try it I look 'all feet'. This works amazingly well Avril

  11. Carmel Chambers20:20

    I am so with you on this one. Although I'm tallish at 5'7" and a size 12,I have a long body and short legs and not the slimmest ankles in the world so this look is just not good on me. I do however think you have pulled it off with the dress and those fab boots, your legs look great!



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