
Biker Style Coats & Vitamin C...and an Avenue 57 bargain!

I took advantage of a special offer Fiona was running last week in her Avenue 57 shop and snapped up this fab black cardigan for 25% off! I'd had my eye on it for a while and there was a black cardigan gap in my wardrobe so the discount sealed the deal. It's hard to see the detail in the black - but the lighter colours on the link show it off better. It's got wool and alpaca in it too so it's lovely and cosy.
I'm not normally a huge fan of black for daytime but I have a few tops that are too light for this time of year and I'm hoping I can get some wear out of them now that I have this cardigan in my wardrobe.
Today though, I felt like wearing coloured jeans as I've been wearing regular denim so much lately. I added my Next scarf which has cobalt, black and grey in it. A brilliant buy. I've worn it more than once before on this blog. My Matalan black coat completed the outfit.
Black Coat - Matalan (sold out - similar here & here & my coat edit is below)
Black Cross-Over Cardigan - Avenue 57 (only available in grey & cream now)
Cobalt Jeans - Boden (similar here)
Scarf - Next (old - similar here & here £££)
White Top - H&M (old)
The photos were taken by a poorly 5 year old with my new camera. Can you see the nervousness in my eyes?! She did really well though and I hadn't the heart to get her to come out again to take another one with my feet in it as she'd chopped them off in all the others so for the record, I wore my Clarks black ankle boots.
Seriously fed up with illness in this house. Both girls were poorly when we were in Tipperary, leading to some sleepless nights for me and now we're home, they seem to have swapped ailments and I'm writing this post in-between running up and down the stairs to them. Meanwhile, I'm popping these super-pills from Neal's Yard. I will NOT succumb!
I hope you all had a good weekend. For those of you who placed orders in the shop over the weekend, they are all winging their way to you as of today. For all of you waiting on the red leopard scarf (and there are lots!) it's currently still en-route to me. I had hoped it would come today but it's now looking like it will be Thursday. I will email everyone in the next 24 hours to process the transactions so that they can go straight out in the post as soon as they arrive! Thanks so much for your patience.


Biker Style Zipped Coat Edit
Next (UK)

Next (UK) 
Oasis at ASOS



  1. It looks amazing against the blue and with the scarf it comes together so well!
    Absolutely LOVE this look, so cool and calm (just like you :-))

  2. I totally LOVE that Next scarf Avril & it looks fab with your gorgeous new purchase. Hope your little ones are feeling better soon xx

  3. Fab cardy Avril...think I also have a gaping hole in the wardobe for one of those! Looking gorgeous in the biker coat and beautiful scarf!

    Thanks for the tip off on the vitamin c boost....we could all do with all the help that we can at this time of year...anything to help stave off the lurgy!! x

  4. Gorgeous cardi, and that scarf is fab too, just perfect with your jeans and coat. Definitely a wise move nabbing that coat I love it!! X


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