
Warehouse AW13 'Style Me If You Can'

I'm a huge fan of Warehouse and I'm a sucker for a good ad campaign so I hope you enjoy their new 'Style Me If You Can' series of vides as much as I did..

Warehouse is a brand I buy from every season. It's probably the only brand that truly transcends the ages - their stuff is as wearable on a 20-something as a 40-something and if you've not bought jeans from them, I highly recommend going in for a try on. Their pocket jeggings have almost reached cult status amongst girls in the know.
I also find it's a great brand for knitwear and tops with unique patterns...and I'm a sucker for a great pattern. Here are my AW13 must haves... 
Trench Coat, Floral Jumper, Distressed Jeans,
 Statement Necklace, Baby Satchel




  1. Your right Avril, their pocket jeggings are my favourite pair. x

  2. I totally agree with you. warehouse fits me and has never let me down, Fab choices Avril

  3. Love the satchel + necklace - must get some of those jeggings this autumn! xx

  4. Good tip on the jeggings (clearly I'm not in the know!!) Will def check them out

  5. Love the bag & necklace Avril x

  6. Oh thanks for the top on the jeggings I never heard that before. I always think warehouse is too pricey for the high street, but to be honest any pieces I have from there do last years. X

  7. Would you believe but I don't have anything from Warehouse. I always forget to look in there for some reason. But I do like that necklace.


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