
The Same Outfit - One Year On!

Due to a recent birthday related splurge, I'm on a spending ban for just over a month (one week down - four to go!). So I've been looking over old blog posts for outfit inspiration. We tend to have so much hanging in our wardrobes and as new items get added, it's sometimes difficult to remember what goes well with what. One benefit of a blog is you can look back at any time to see what you were wearing in a previous season. I last wore this outfit on this post back in July 2012
and here it is today:
Pink Jeans - Kaleidoscope
Grey T-Shirt - Primark (similar)
White Vest - Kaleidoscope
Navy Pumps - c/o Zalando
Grey Pearls Scarf - River Island originally
 (but also available in the shop)
New additions this year are my new grey glasses I bought from Firmoo a couple of weeks ago on an email offer. The glasses were completely free - I only had to pay the postage. Well worth signing up to their emails if you are a glasses wearer.

Also new is my arm candy from my new favourite jewellery store, Susie Ho - created by Sue, the blogger behind Susie So So blog. I ordered the pearl bracelet for my birthday (as June's birthstone is pearl but usually pearl jewellery is so old fashioned!) and Sue kindly added the denim crystal one in the middle as a gift. The wider bracelet on the right is from Boden and was a birthday present from my 10 year old nephew and godson, Evan.

Missing from this year's photo are the metallic pumps. I loved them and they were such a great neutral shoe but were a killer to wear on my wide feet and I eventually donated them to the cancer shop. Also missing is the lovely back-drop. The rain put paid to that today!

So tell me - how good are you when it comes to re-cycling outfits? Do you also have favourites that come out year after year?

Off to photograph the prizes for the competition now - watch out for another post from me later with full details x



  1. I am with you on the ban - I have decided that I am not going to buy anything else until I have nothing else to wear. I'm 2 weeks into not wearing the same outfit twice or buying anything new (excludes gifts!) and so far I am loving it. I have decided to try for 100 days - yes I know, mad, remind me of it in 2 months time!

    I love the colour of the jeans with the grey - absolutely gorgeous


  2. Love the colour of these trousers - nice and bright! I do wear my favourite things again and again and again, but other stuff tends to get buried and forgotten ! X

  3. Love the bright colour of th jeans with the grey t and the scarf ties it altogether. Perfect! Have signed up for the newsletter - top tip! Thank you x

  4. What a great idea - I should do the same.

  5. That's a great idea to look back on your blog for inspiration! I too am on a spending ban for the moment ... but I also did a huge wardrobe clear-out a few months ago, so when the spending starts again, I know exactly where the gaps are that need to be filled. Spending bans are so boring aren't they?!

  6. Love that outfit Avril and I'm definitely coming round to the idea of quality over quantity!It is far easier to put outfits together with less clutter in the wardrobe. Have a lovely weekend:)

  7. This is really a great fashion sense that you have picked .I like your choice in fashion stuff very much.This is too good.

  8. Thank you for the mention Avril! Much appreciated!

    Won't be long before the spending ban's over - it can't be easy!


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