
Day to Night - Part 2

So yesterday, I showed you my casual look from Wednesday of last week but a couple of hours after I took those photos, I braved the snow showers to meet up with my blogging friends for an evening with Next, for the official launch of the Next Home advert and SS13 range. It's always hard to know what to wear to these nights out. The weather was horrendous (the sunshine in the photos was during a break in snow showers) - but I didn't want to look too casual because there was a get-together in The Merchant Hotel afterwards. I kept the jeans and the ankle boots from yesterday's post and dressed up the look with a cream coat from Zara - possibly one of the oldest items in my wardrobe - at least 12 years old!
Underneath, I added a sequinned t-shirt from H&M (worn here) and my little vintage pendant I got last year also (also worn here).

So off I went with the Merrell & wellies in the boot..
to check out the Next Home store in Holywood and meet the Next team who had flown over to Belfast for the occasion. I have two home requirements currently and they took up most of my photos - lamps and mirrors!

Under a bit of time pressure, I decided to bring Mr SGS along another day to help me choose which lamp and which mirror...and onwards we went to the hotel with the Next team to view the new home video (see below) and chat some more about social media, blogging and...because it's a group of girls....weddings!
A big shout out to Next for a lovely evening. We don't often get brands coming over to Belfast so thanks ever so much for making the trip.
Oh, and here's the video in case you'd like to see it. We saw how it was made which kind of spoiled the surprise a bit - I wanted to believe it was all magic..how fab would it be to be able to set your table just by rolling out a runner. Oh and the music is by local band, Two Door Cinema Club - nice one Next. :) Hope you enjoy it too x


  1. That's my kind of outfit Avril - love it - tshirt/jeans/boots/pendant the lot! I actually have a similar tshirt from H&M that I got in the sale last summer - seem to spend half my time at the H&M sales!. xx

    1. Thank you Jenny - I LOVE the H&M sale. You can bag such bargains! Ax

  2. Great switch up Avril I often need to do this when going out after work, it's def an art form! The next night looked great super jealous as I love interiors too, and nothing beats the merchant location wise!

    1. Thank you Trea - will get you on the invite list for the next one for sure. We need to catch up! Ax

  3. I LOVE your hair color - sophisticated and makes you look 20:) I'm thinking of growing my hair now after seeing these photos again! xx

    1. Oh I LOVE you for saying that! Yay - 20 again!! I think you would really suit your hair longer actually. But it's a total pain growing it. This has taken about 2.5 years...yawn...Ax

  4. Hi, I love it when an oldie but a goodie, comes out of your wardrobe and still looks so current....xx

    1. Isn't it fab?! And the best bit is that the credit card remains safe throughout! Ax

  5. I have that very same tee-shirt .. had kinda' forgotten about it (hardly surprising in this weather) but def going to pull it out again. You look great - the whole outfit is really lovely. Hold onto that coat!!

    1. It's a fab tee - I have it in the nude colour too and have worn it more really but I think the navy will get a few outings this summer. And the coat is going NO-WHERE! haha! Ax

  6. I love the boots and t-shirt.

  7. Hi Avril- I love both your part one and part two outfits, the sequin tee and necklace really give your look a chic twist! Your new parka is really nice too xxx

    1. Thank you Sharon - I'm loving the parka myself too - more than I thought I would! It may feature heavily over coming weeks...! Ax

  8. April, so loving the jeans on you.....your legs look Kat proportions! Fab fab fab.....off to sun myself now!!!!!!!!!!

    1. oh go on - rub it in about the sunshine...and call me April while you're at it! Cheeky you! Ax

  9. Love your H&M top and boots, great look :)

    1. Thank you Claire Justine, Ax

  10. Hi Avril, thought of you and your blog last week when I found myself in H+M in Leamington Spa here in Warwickshire, with my daughter - trying on tee-shirts and a very nice navy striped top! Ended up buying all 3 in the hope that, one day, we will have some nice warm weather! I was quite impressed (not an easy feat I can assure you!) with the mirrors in the H+M changing rooms as they made me look almost normal...! I was that impressed that I just had to tweet it out!
    Ellen x

    1. Aw, thank you for thinking of me - in one of my favourite stores too! I seriously need a trip to one myself as I want a few striped t-shirts. Thanks for the reminder! Ax

  11. Hey! I love your style. I only recently discovered your blog but its definitely one of my daily reads now !! I'm hoping I can make a blog as great as yours eventually lol !!!

    1. Aw, thank you Jennifer, that's so kind of you to say. Happy to help with any blogging questions if you want to email me, Ax

  12. I love the Next advert and just want to move into the room settings! Great coat!

    1. Isn't the home stuff fab - I could buy SO much of it. Heading back with hubby this week now the kids are back at school. It's not really a kid friendly part of the shop! Ax

  13. You wear these boyfriend jeans like a dream. Bet they're your staple now.

    1. IN LOVE - you are my inspiration. Thank you so much Marlene! Ax


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